Union Kitchen | Startup Stories — Union Kitchen

Rejuvenation: Delicious Energy with all the perks, and none of the consequences

Written by Nora Boyle | Sep 15, 2022 7:42:14 PM

Rejuvenation founder, Anna Cobb, is a DC native, who got the idea to start her company during her undergrad at Tuskegee University. Anna reflects on her university days, where she was surrounded by a food desert and food insecurity in Tuskegee was undeniable. Anna birthed the idea for Rejuvenation during her senior year. 


Rejuvenation  is a plant based energy drink alternative with a twist.  Anna had heard the narrative time and time again from colleagues and friends about needing to change their diet, but having nowhere to start as their local shelves are stocked with the same options. Anna knew that the convenience energy beverage market needed a revamp. She was determined to create a drink that would provide natural energy, without having to substitute flavor and satisfaction from shelf staples. 

Rejuvenation launched in 2022 their debut product line: Rejuvenation: Plant Based Energy Drinks. The key ingredient in Rejuvenation is guayusa, which is a holly tree native to the Amazon Rainforest. Guayusa is harvested through its leaves, and is traditionally dried out and blended into a tea. Guayusa has an abundance of antioxidants which have been linked to increasing mood and helping with concentration. Since Guayusa has such a unique blend of nutrients, it provides natural energy while avoiding jitters and crashes obtained from regular energy drinks. 

The launch process was not a cake walk in the slightest. She fought tooth and nail for funding, having given up many hours of sleep to work just one more side job shift in the process. There are many tedious steps that go into launching a product like Anna’s, and as the sole founder she wore all of the hats. From the correct color palette for the packaging to the product formulation, Anna was working day and night to ensure Rejuvenation would be a market competitor. 

Anna’s advice to anyone starting a certified package goods company is to “Have fun and know that if this is what you want to do, go for it all the way and do not let anyone stop you.”

Head to your neighborhood Union Kitchen and grab a bottle of Rejuvenation: in the following flavors: pineapple, apple, and hibiscus. For more updates on VeganQueenCuisine, follow them on Instagram